Wastewater collection systems planning and design is another core strength of Vosloo Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd. We are proud of our local experience in Sewage Pumping Station (SPS) design and our knowledge of the Local Council and Utility Authority requirements.
Our wastewater collection capabilities are summarized below.
Sewerage system planning including master planning
Flow estimation, sewer sizing and grading of reticulation, branch and trunk sewers
Sewerage infrastructure detailed design and documentation
Trenchless construction technology methods including enveloper pipe design
Pipe material selection, coating and lining specifications including property connections and maintenance structures
Hydraulic design of rising mains including sizing, anchorage, temperature and fatigue de-rating
Structural design of gravity sewers and sewer rising mains including installation design
SPS systems design including site selection and layout, rising main route selection. Pump selection and rising main design including nominal pump duty range, civil site works complete including flowmeter and valve chambers, overflow or emergency relief structures and appurtenances, vehicle swept path analysis, driveway pavement and drainage designs
Transient analysis
Sewerage infrastructure upgrades and replacements including detailed fitting schedules and specifications
Contract administration and construction monitoring services including but not limited to construction inspections and certification of constructed works, as-constructed drawings
Vosloo Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd is a Pre-Qualified Supplier of Queensland’s Local Buy Engineering and Environmental Consultancy Services Contract LB312 and can be engaged under the VendorPanel arrangement.
Other services: Water Supply Roadworks Stormwater Land Development