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Water Supply Projects

  • Development of System Design for Freestone Heights Pressure Zone – Warwick, QLD for Southern Downs Regional Council: Design Engineer responsible for planning, hydraulic design and modelling to create a pressure zone within the existing reticulation.  The scope included estimating future demands, determine pump duty ranges, technical specifications and pump data sheet for the pressure booster pumps, including design of discharge pipework within the existing pump house and determining PRV locations and settings.   

  • Detailed Design of Water Pipeline – Applethorpe & Warwick, QLD for Southern Downs Regional Council: Design Engineer responsible for the detailed design of new and replacement pipelines of DN225 and DN300 diameter, including Service Agency approvals, design of trenchless installation of an enveloper pipe across the New England Highway, and preparation of bill of quantities and cost estimates.  


  • Detailed Design of Water Reticulation Extensions – Stanthorpe, QLD for Southern Downs Regional Council: Design Engineer responsible for the detailed design of DN100 water reticulation extensions and interconnections in three separate locations in Stanthorpe. Scope of services included preparation of Bill of Quantities and construction cost estimates. 

  • Design of Storm King Dam DN300 Raw Water Pipeline – Stanthorpe, QLD for Southern Downs Regional Council:  Pipeline route selection including options analysis and hydraulic design to determine most optimum pipe size and pipeline route, NPV analysis, concept design through to detailed design, cost estimation and technical specifications for the construction of the 9km long Storm King Dam DN300 DICL raw water pipeline. 

  • Construction Monitoring Services for Storm King Dam DN300 Pipeline Construction – Stanthorpe, QLD for Newlands Civil Construction:  Construction monitoring, inspections, attend to construction issues and make design changes, verification of test results, As-Constructed drawings and RPEQ certification of constructed works.

  • Leslie Dam Pump Station Design Consultancy – Warwick, QLD for Southern Downs Regional Council:  Design Engineer responsible for the hydraulic analysis and detailed design for the upgrade of pumps (from 93kW to 160kW), pipework, valves and fittings inside the Leslie Dam Raw Water Pumping Station.  Scope of works included thrust and anchor block designs, new valve chambers, flowmeter pit, pipe support brackets and straps, new pump plinths, design of temporary bypass pumping system, preparation of technical specification, bill of quantities and cost estimate. 

  • Thrust Block Design for Pipelines – Port Macquarie, NSW for FSA Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd: Design Engineer responsible for the detailed design of thrust blocks for DN200 and DN300 pipelines as part of construction works for a new bridge over Stingray Creek.

  • Hydraulic Design Assistance for Wyreema Water Transfer Main – Wyreema, QLD for Newlands Civil Construction Pty Ltd: Peer review and design assistance with hydraulic design of the 7.6km long  DN200 DICL RRJ transfer main from Westbrook to Wyreema.  Design role included pipe and fitting pressure class selection, thrust block design, air valve sizing and locations, general design for a design and construction project.   


Wastewater Projects

  • O’Leary Street Sewage Pumping Station Design – Warwick, QLD for Southern Downs Regional Council: Design Engineer responsible for the detailed design to convert the existing dry-well Sewage Pumping Station (SPS) to a wet-well with new valve and flowmeter pits, including the preparation of specifications, bill of quantities and cost estimates.  


  • Frees Road Sewage Pumping Station Design – Warwick, QLD for Southern Downs Regional Council: Design Engineer responsible for the detailed design of a new Sewage Pumping Station (SPS) with 2.1m diameter wet well, gravity sewer, development of system resistance curves and undertaking a pump selection, rising main sizing, on-site additional emergency storage and overflow system , including the preparation of design report, specifications, bill of quantities and cost estimates.  


  • Development of Sewer Overflow Management Plan – Stanthorpe & Warwick, QLD for Southern Downs Regional Council:  Analysis of 30 Sewage Pumping Stations (SPS) to determine existing pumping capacity, available emergency storage, determine augmentation methods and control measures for each SPS, and develop a SPS Overflow Management Plan.


  • Detailed Design of Effluent Discharge Pipeline – Emerald, QLD for FSA Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd:  Hydraulic analysis and detailed design of OD316 PE100 effluent discharge pipe, including thrust block and underwater discharge diffuser, design of anti-seepage block for effluent lagoon wall, pumping system review and detailing of pipework and fittings. 


  • Design & Construction Monitoring Services for Recycled Water Main Extension Project – Warwick, QLD for Newlands Civil Construction:  RPEQ responsible for network modelling, hydraulic design including pipe size and class selection, sizing storage reservoir and booster pumps, detailed design of 5km of DN200 and 0.5km of DN100 mains, pressure booster pumping station, stormwater catchment modelling to set reservoir and pumping station pad levels, pavement design and vehicle swept path analysis.  Construction phase services included inspections, issuing site instruction to resolve construction issues, design changes and prepare additional designs to address specific construction challenges, As-Constructed drawings, test results verification and RPEQ certification of constructed works.


  • Market Square Sewer Rising Main Replacement Consultancy – Warwick, QLD for Southern Downs Regional Council:  Hydraulic design and options analysis to recommend a renewal strategy for dual DN300 AC rising mains and DN450 AC gravity sewer, including hydraulic desktop assessment of existing 115kW pumps, cost estimates and NPV analysis. 


  • Peer Review & Design Assistance with Sewage Pumping Station and Rising Main Design for Woodchester Estate – Gatton, QLD for Newlands Pty Ltd: Peer review of sewage pumping station (SPS) and rising main design, including design amendments to address column separation in rising main and odour desktop assessment. 


Stormwater Projects

  • Stormwater Management Plan, Operational Works Designs and Construction Phase Services for Professional Offices – James Street, Toowoomba, QLD for Private Developer:  Prepare Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) for Material Change of Use (MCU) Development Approval, Operational Works (OW) designs for roof and car park drainage, car park driveway crossover and pavement design, including vehicle swept path analysis and obtaining OW approval from Council.  Construction phase services included inspections and RPEQ certification of constructed works.


  • Roof Drainage and Inter-Allotment Drainage Design – Avondale Street, Newtown, QLD for Private Developer: Detailed design of roof drainage system including sizing of gutters and downpipes, as well as inter-allotment drainage system or two Lots, including obtaining Operational Works approval.


  • Stormwater Design for Caboolture Tennis Centre – Caboolture, QLD for FSA Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd: Detailed design of stormwater surface drainage channel and inlet structures at Moreton Bay Regional Council’s Caboolture Tennis Centre.


  • Stormwater Management Plan for Proposed Shopping Centre – Albion Street, Warwick, QLD for Private Developer:  Prepared Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) for proposed shopping centre development application, including hydrological and hydraulic modelling (in DRAINS) and concept design of site drainage pipes and three on-site detention storages, of which one was an underground detention tank (227kL) in the car park, and two detention surface storages (8.5kL and 11.0kL) in the car parks.


  • Stormwater Design and Construction Phase Services for Kumbartcho Environmental Centre – Eatons Hill, QLD for FSA Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd: Detailed design of stormwater upgrade at Moreton Bay Regional Council’s Kumbartcho Sanctuary.  Construction phase services included inspections, responding to Contractor RFIs and resolving construction issues, including design changes and preparing additional designs in response to changes in subsoil conditions, test result verification and RPEQ certification of constructed works.


  • Stormwater Design for Birralee Child Care – Ferny Hills, QLD for FSA Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd: Detailed design of stormwater drainage upgrade at Moreton Bay Regional Council’s Birralee Child Care.


  • Stormwater Design and Construction Phase Services for One into Three Residential Subdivision – Sybyl Street, Harristown, QLD for Private Developer:  Swept path analysis for driveway with AutoTURN Pro, detailed design of driveway, roof and inter-allotment stormwater drainage, including surface drainage channel, erosion and sediment control, bill of quantities and cost estimate, obtained Operational Works approval.  Construction phase services included inspections, test result verification, As-Constructed drawings, ADACX file and RPEQ certification of constructed works.


  • Roof Drainage Hydraulic Assessment for Commercial Building at 199 Gympie Road - Strathpine, QLD for FSA Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd: Hydraulic assessment of box gutters and eaves gutters of an existing large commercial building, based on guidelines in AS3500.3.


  • Roof Drainage Design – Holberton Street, Newtown, QLD for Private Developer: Detailed design of roof drainage system including sizing of gutters and downpipes, as well as inter-allotment drainage system for one into two Lot subdivision, including obtaining Operational Works approval for stormwater.


Roadworks and Land Development Projects

  • Civil Engineering Designs, Tender and Construction Phase Services for 15 Lot Residential Subdivision – Hawker Road, Warwick, QLD for Private Developer: Detailed design of roadworks, stormwater, water supply and sewerage for Operational Works approval of 15 Lot subdivision, including preparation of a stormwater management plan, bill of quantities and construction cost estimate, obtained Operational Works approval from Council. Prepared tender and contract documentation, including technical specifications.  Superintendent fulfilling the full suite of construction phase services included contract administration and construction monitoring.


  • Road Widening Design – South Street, Allora, QLD for Private Developer:  Detailed design of road widening including pavement design for bitumen road, including bill of quantities and cost estimate, obtaining Operational Works approval from Council.  Construction phase services included inspections and RPEQ certification of constructed works.


  • Civil Engineering Design for a 13 Lot Residential Subdivision – Bridge Street, Stanthorpe, QLD for Private Developer:  Detailed design of bulk earthworks, driveways, roof and allotment stormwater drainage design, erosion and sediment control plan, including bill of quantities and cost estimate, obtaining Operational Works approval from Council.


  • Gravel Road Extension, Car Park and Associated Stormwater Drainage – Applethorpe, QLD for Private Developer: Detailed design of gravel road extension and new car park including associated stormwater drainage and vehicle swept path diagrams, including obtaining Operational Works approval.


  • Planning and Concept Design for 1 into 8 Lot Residential Subdivision, DA stage – Geddes Road, Top Camp, QLD for Private Developer: Civil Engineer responsible for preparing the subdivision layout for an 8 Lot rural residential subdivision in the DA phase.  Services included options analysis of different subdivision layouts and road access corridors, including roads, earthworks and stormwater concept designs to recommend the highest Lot yield layout, at the lowest construction cost.  Recommendations included a two-stage development approach.


  • Detailed Design and Construction Phase Services for Geddes Road Widening – Top Camp, QLD for Private Developer: Detailed design of road widening over 130m, kerb installation and concrete path, including pavement design and obtaining Operational Works Approval from Council.  Prepared subdivision layout for 1 into 3 Lot subdivision including development advice for a two stage development approach.  Construction phase services included inspections, responding to Contractor RFIs, test result verification, As-Constructed drawings, prepare ADACX file, RPEQ certification of constructed works.


  • Civil Engineering Design for a Two into Four Residential Subdivision – Perry Street, Harlaxton, QLD for Private Developer:  Detailed design of bulk earthworks, driveways, roof and allotment stormwater drainage design, erosion and sediment control plan, including bill of quantities and cost estimate.


  • Detailed Design of Water Main Extension & Road Widening – Allora, QLD for Private Developer: Detailed design of OD63 water main extension and road widening design at Erhardt Street, including pavement design, preparation of erosion and sediment control plan, specifications, detailed fitting schedules, bill of quantities and cost estimate.    


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